Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Gifts: Give Soulfully, Without Cunning

Here is a German poem "Give from the heart"
by Joachim Ringelnatz translated by Hans Springer and found on
LCMS Foundation website

Give from the heart and freely

give with it that which is inside of you

such as opinion, taste and humor

So that your own joy

will richly reward you, prior to the giving.

Give little or big

but always genuinely, purely;

When the recipient considers the gift

let your conscience be clear.

Give soulfully, without cunning

be aware

that your gift

is you, yourself.

I think this poem clearly shows the ethical line between a gift from a patient whom the physician has cared for and helped and the gift from the pharmaceutical company.
The first is given "soulfully" and the second is given, but not without "cunning". ..Maurice.

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