As someone really interested in the discipline called bioethics, I keep looking around me and looking for ethical issues, which have been popular but not fully resolved, or ethical issues about which many in society are not really aware. Then there are the ethical dilemmas which over the years has been settled by consensus but as social and political and technologic properties within society have progressively changed, these issues are reopened like a almost healed wound that is again abraded. So I keep thinking, what would be interesting next to put on my blog. There are many possibilities but then these are my possibilities. I can state with certainty that I cannot think of all the issues that are perplexing others. This is a democratic blog (notice the small d), therefore I thought now, maybe I should change the format of this blog a bit at times and have my visitors generate a new, yet undiscussed, bioethical issue; a matter of visitor creativity.
Skim through my archives or use the “Search This Blog” service provided by Google located at the top left hand corner of the page to see if the topic was covered previously. If you have a new topic or a new twist of a previously posted topic, post your comments here after you have done a bit of preliminary research on the topic. I might just start up a new thread with your commentary as the lead text of the thread. ..Maurice.
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