Sunday, January 14, 2007

"You're Sick, We're Quick":Store-Based Clinics

Have you had a medical checkup at a CVS pharmacy yet? You probably won't see a physician there. A nurse-practitioner or physician's assistant will do the examination. What they can do and diagnose will be limited but you won't need an appointment, just walk in. Does anyone want to talk about the ethics of the commodification or is it commercialization of medical treatment in the form of the store-based "convenient care" clinics? Read the pdf file of the research regarding this form of healthcare by the California HealthCare Foundation. To me the ethical issues include "who owns the! patient"? "what are the standards of care?" "how is patient information shared and privacy protected?":"does a pharmacy which has a clinic within its walls have any conflict of interest with regard to the sale of medications?" You probably might find more issues. ..Maurice.

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