Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hypocrisy: Do You See It in the Practice of Medicine?

Hypocrisy is a word in the news these days. Currently it is being used in the context of the alleged behavior of U.S. Senator Craig as contrasted with his prior pronouncements and governmental activities. The word is defined in various ways but essentially can be understood as insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that one does not really have. My interest in using this word on this blog is to discover if hypocrisy is absent or is present, perhaps flagrantly present within medical practice and the various components that make up medical care from the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and HMOs,to the various medical societies including the American Medical Association, to the hospitals and down to the individual physicians, nurses and technicians involved in the care of patients. Do my visitors feel that at any level of health care, there are qualities or beliefs that are expressed to patients but by actions are really not present and not considered when dealing with society, patient groups and individual patients? If present, in what ways do you see it expressed? What do you think? ..Maurice.

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