Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The World on its Feet as Ebola Crisis Grips

Medic-ALL (06:08:2014)
The deadly Ebola virus may have just being reported in 4 West African Countries but it's impact has been very much on a worldwide scale, as countries all over the world continue to fear a spread of the virus across the globe.

Latest Ebola News 

Liberia :Relatives of Ebola victims in Liberia defied government orders and dumped infected bodies in the streets as West African governments struggled to enforce tough measures to curb an outbreak of the virus that has killed 887 people.

Nigeria: Authorities confirm 8 people out of 14 quarantined who had contact with the deceased Liberian are showing signs of the deadly disease.

British Airways has began suspending flights to and from Liberia and Sierra Leone until the end of the month due to public health concerns.

Germany joined France and the United States in advising against travel to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, saying there was still no end in sight to the spread of the disease.

United States:
The Second American charity worker in Liberia has now arrived Atlanta Hospital, where doctors will try to save her and her fellow health worker from the deadly disease.

The two American charity workers have seen their conditions improve by varying degrees in Liberia after they received an experimental drug developed by San Diego-based private biotech firm Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc.

Other News
African Development Bank and World Bank are said to immediately disburse $260 million to the three countries worst affected - Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.

Keep Watching!!!

Medic-ALL.Inc 2014

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