Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Making Fun of Illness? Think Again

Yesterday, I ended my posting with "Do you think it’s ethical to make fun of an illness and thus the anonymous ill patient? Do you see any benefit for the ill patient to hear the joke? Do you think that joking about illness is the human way of dealing with something perhaps over which we have no control.. and it's OK?" Dr. James Baker of Mental Notes thoughtfully found an answer to my questions after reading my posting. He wrote:
"When I read this, and ponder its ending query,

what comes to mind is this;

and this...

and this...

and this and this and this..

And I think to myself,

is not the answer to the query so darn obvious?"

Go to Dr. Baker's blog for the links to the blogs of this and this and this and this and this and this. I think you will see his obvious answer. ..Maurice.

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