Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Suicide: "No Way to See What Your Last Sorrow Hid"

This poem which I found on Poems for Free puts into a poetic verse the very view that I commented on in my last posting. Those who know the suicide victim and even those who only hear about the suicide, usually feel a sense of guilt for someone not doing something to prevent the act. I suspect often, unlike the Bob Stern case decribed in the last post where Mr.Stern discussed openly his anticipated act with his family on a video, there is at times no unambiguous warning or explanation to those who know the victim or society itself. For more poems about suicide, go to the above link. ..Maurice.

"There's No Understanding What You Did" by
Nicholas Gordon

There's no understanding what you did,
Or why, or what we now should think or do:
No way to see what your last sorrow hid.

What unimaginable agony amid
Our ordinary lives unraveled you?
There's no understanding what you did,

No way for you to tell us why you rid
Yourself of us and family, and . . . who?
No way to see what your last sorrow hid.

Or was it you were just a spoiled kid,
Trying to make us all feel bad for you?
There's no understanding what you did,

Whether mere curiosity had bid
You to sneak ahead a lethal view;
No way to see what your last sorrow hid,

Nor penetrate that awful, granite lid
That lies between our thoughts and what is true.
There's no understanding what you did,
No way to see what your last sorrow hid.

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