Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ethical Injustice of Medical Care: Possible Cure in California

Ability to obtain medical care is ethically unjust in the United States because of the fact that 44 million people are uninsured and have no access to medical care other than going to and waiting in hospital emergency rooms for all illnesses. It is also bad in my state of California. Uninsured in California estimates based on the Census Bureau's March 2005 and 2006 Current Population Survey as published at Kaiser reveal 6,598,940 Californians or 18% of the state population have no medical insurance and are not covered by any state or federal or private plans.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke to the California Medical Association sponsored Legislative Leadership Conference meeting earlier this week and guaranteed health care reform for California this year. Over 500 physicians, medical students, residents, and medical executives from throughout the state gathered in Sacramento for the conference. The governor was confident in his prediction of health care reform this year,in fact he stated "I guarantee it."

In view of the way our governor has been moving California to lead the nation in a number of important societal issues through working with both political parties, I find it reasonable to suspect that his promise will likely come to fruition soon. You may want to watch the approximately 17 minute speech courtesy of the California Medical Association. I think that the states should get into the act rather than wait for the federal government to finally do something about this injustice. ..Maurice.

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