Wednesday, April 25, 2007

"Being sick is no fun. But you can have fun while you’re sick"

Film critic Roger Ebert, faced with the fact that his salivary gland cancer has spread to his right lower jaw, previous surgeries were unsuccessful and needs additional surgery and also has a tracheostomy to breathe, is planning to attend a film festival despite his visually uncomfortable physical appearance and his disabilities. If what Roger writes in today's Chicago Sun Times column, truely represents his honest feelings about himself and his illness, his broadcasting of these feelings should provide a great uplift and support to others who are disabled by their difficult illness both physically and emotionally. If he is sick and doesn't appear as the usually recognized Roger Ebert, why is he going to the festival and exposing himself with his illness to the public? He responds: "We spend too much time hiding illness. There is an assumption that I must always look the same. I hope to look better than I look now. But I’m not going to miss my festival." ... "Being sick is no fun. But you can have fun while you're sick.I wouldn’t miss the festival for anything!" ..Maurice.

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