Friday, July 16, 2004

How Much Would You Want to Know?

Now as a followup from the last posting on physician conflict of interest, I would like my visitors to answer the following questions and if they care, post a comment about them.

If you were a patient would you want to be informed by your doctor-

a. that the reason she had your appointment rescheduled for 3 weeks later was because at the time of the original appointment she was going to the 6th grade graduation of her child.

b. that the reason she had your appointment rescheduled for 3 weeks later was because she herself was going on a vacation trip with her husband.

c. that the reason she had your appointment rescheduled for 3 weeks later was because she herself was having a breast biopsy.

d. that he owned a financial share of the X-ray laboratory to which he was sending you for a mammogram.

e. that he got paid $1000 for every patient he was able to sign up for a research study on a drug that might be useful for your disease.

f. as a pregnant patient at the first visit with the obstetrician what is his religious beliefs and whether he follows religious directives regarding abortions.

g. that the reason your doctor never questioned you about your smoking was because he himself smokes.

Do you think that you are responsible to know and understand the basis for all actions of your physician dealing with you as his/her patient? If not all, by what criteria would you decide what information you want to know? ..Maurice.

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