Thursday, July 8, 2004

The Visit to the Doctor

The first issue on this blog I would like my visitors to think about and comment is one about the office visit with a doctor. How have you experienced the visit? If this was the first visit, was it as you expected? What was it about the visit that impressed you.. good or badly. How long did the doctor take to get your history? What was the physical exam like? After the exam, did the doctor discuss with you about the findings, conclusion and plan? Were you satisfied that you understood what your doctor was trying to tell you?

These questions deal with the process of the office visit. But how about the appearance and general behavior of your doctor.. were you made comfortable by how your doctor listened and how your doctor talked to you? If not, what would have made you more comfortable?

For privacy reasons, don't identify your doctor's name here but.. have you ever expressed your opinion about the visit with your doctor or staff?

I teach medical students how to take a history and perform a physical examination on patients and how to relate to the patient. I think I know the factors that make up an ideal physician and an ideal visit but I would most appreciate learning your own opinions. ..Maurice.

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